
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Buona Festa La Befana!

Each January 5th, the citizens of Italy have a special feast known as "La Befana."  This day honors a folklore legend, a kindly old witch who delivers gifts to children of Italy on the eve of this special day.

There are many poems and songs in Italian culture about this beloved character.  Here is an example of one first in Italian, then translated to English.

Viene, viene la Befana
Vien dai monti a notte fonda

Come è stanca! la circonda
Neve e gelo e tramontana!
Viene, viene la Befana


Here comes, here comes the Befana
She comes from the mountains in the deep of the night
Look how tired she is! All wrapped up
In snow and frost and the north wind!
Here comes, here comes the Befana!

(compiled with information from Wikipedia)

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